This discovery got scientist to do more tests and they realized it is not just the “monkey thing”, it is relevant to people too. We all know that we learn by looking and coping. After all we are social creatures. Our survival literally depends on understanding the actions, intentions and emotions of others. These mirror neurons seem to allow us to grasp the minds of others, adapt their point of view not through conceptual reasoning but through imitation. In other words they are giving us ability to learn by feeling, not by thinking.
Although this discovery does not teach me anything new that I have not known about learning before, I find it very interesting. It did make me think that I should be careful about things not only about what I watch and hear but also with whom I will associate. Our human history teaches us that society and certain people had tremendous influence on others’ behavior and that “the majority” barely ever asks “why?” before accepting certain behavior or moral standard. Learning by imitating is great way to learn fast when we are baby or very young because we are in a safe environment that our parents created, but as we become more mature we should be using our ability to think critically more often.