Different gender roles comprise of all it takes to make the world continue, or so it seems. The separation of men and woman seemed to be drastic up until today’s standards. Men were to go and work, make the money, provide the food and shelter. Whereas the woman stays home: cook, clean, and take care of the family. In World War Two, the woman began to have more of a need in the community in the United States. While the men were away at war, the women were to take care of life on the home front. Life as we knew it was beginning to change. Flashing forward to today, gender roles still seem to be an implied factor in society. Dominant groups in present day society help structure our norms. Quoted, “in the U.S., these powerful messages affect both men and women on affective, behavioral and cognitive levels such that men and women conform or do not conform to these expectations with various associated consequences (Amato, 2012). Providing these guidelines leave expectations up to personal judgment. Looking at the study of men in prison, a scale was used to test the level of conformity. The Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI) is a ninety-four item, four point scale with eleven subscales. Tests such as this provide researchers with results that determine how gender roles affect daily lives. A study performed by Stanley Milgram (1974), tested how far an individual would be willing to harm someone else, just because they were told to do so. In this case, Milgram, a man wearing a lab coat provided the instructions to the two different participants. One was Teacher, the one being studied; while the other Learner, who was involved as part of the research team, unknowingly to the other participant. The teacher was to administer a shock to Learner when applied knowledge was not performed. “This suggests that individuals’ willingness to follow authorities is conditional on identification with the
Different gender roles comprise of all it takes to make the world continue, or so it seems. The separation of men and woman seemed to be drastic up until today’s standards. Men were to go and work, make the money, provide the food and shelter. Whereas the woman stays home: cook, clean, and take care of the family. In World War Two, the woman began to have more of a need in the community in the United States. While the men were away at war, the women were to take care of life on the home front. Life as we knew it was beginning to change. Flashing forward to today, gender roles still seem to be an implied factor in society. Dominant groups in present day society help structure our norms. Quoted, “in the U.S., these powerful messages affect both men and women on affective, behavioral and cognitive levels such that men and women conform or do not conform to these expectations with various associated consequences (Amato, 2012). Providing these guidelines leave expectations up to personal judgment. Looking at the study of men in prison, a scale was used to test the level of conformity. The Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI) is a ninety-four item, four point scale with eleven subscales. Tests such as this provide researchers with results that determine how gender roles affect daily lives. A study performed by Stanley Milgram (1974), tested how far an individual would be willing to harm someone else, just because they were told to do so. In this case, Milgram, a man wearing a lab coat provided the instructions to the two different participants. One was Teacher, the one being studied; while the other Learner, who was involved as part of the research team, unknowingly to the other participant. The teacher was to administer a shock to Learner when applied knowledge was not performed. “This suggests that individuals’ willingness to follow authorities is conditional on identification with the