1. Choose two setting available for: * Children under 5 years and * Children aged between 5 and 7 years For each age range, choose: * ONE(1) setting that is statutory provision and * ONE(1) setting that is a different type of provision Describe the purpose of each setting
Statutory services must be provided by law. The role of the government is providing services or supervising them through government departments. The main statutory services are health, education and social services. The statutory services financed by the state, collects money through local and national taxation and national insurance. (P. Tassoni 2007)
Examples of a statutory provision are:
Nursery: Government nursery brings together child care, early education and family support services for families with children under 5 years old. Their purpose is ensure that every child and family has access to the best education, childcare, family and health support, training and employment advice. It is the cornerstone of the government’s drive to tackle child poverty and social exclusion working with parents- to –be parents, carers and children to promote the physical, intellectual and social development of babies and young children so that they can flourish at home and when they get to school.
Infant Schools: Purpose of an infant school provides education age between 5-7 according to The National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage. The National Curriculum, taught to all pupils is state or maintained schools, is made up of blocks of years. Children start at infant school between the ages of four and five in a reception class. Following September they transfer to Year 1 and then to Year 2. These two years form Key Stage 1 in the education system. Key stage 1 the statutory subjects that all pupils must study are art and design, design and technology, English, geography, history, information and communication technology, mathematics,
Bibliography: * Brudenell-Leod Mac Lain (2004) Early Years Care & Education For Level 4&5 Heinemann Educational Publisher * Tassoni Penny (2007) Child Care And Education CACHE Level 3, Heinemann Educational Publisher