Concerning missional vocation, Barrett et al. write, “It emerged as a characteristic response of the church to what seemed to be important to God. What emerged as something like the charism of that church.” This is true of Mendehall Ministries which finds its roots in its discernment of its missional vocation. Mendehall, led by Pastor Dolphus Weary, looked at the needs of the community and sought to meet them by all possible means. This led to a clear vision that allowed them to move forward to serve in areas where other churches and groups had been unable to do so. As a result, Mendehall has is a multifaceted ministry running a thrift store, rec center, affordable health care center, farming training, legal service, and a Christian elementary school. This allows them to engage the most vulnerable and disenfranchised in their community with the …show more content…
Mendehall addresses issues of poverty, education, health and so much more in pointing toward the reign of God and the future God will bring about. The missional church is an embodiment of the in-breaking Kingdom of God and Mendehall Ministries embodies this in reaching across boundaries and lifting up the weak to embrace the hope of God. Mendehall lives in tension with the realities of the world as they look forward and work towards the Christ coming