Parker explores the theme of racism through the characters. The two main characters in the film are Agent Rupert Anderson who is played by Gene Hackman and Agent Alan Ward played by Williem Dafoe. Agent Anderson is an older, wiser character and likes to investigate cases the way he was taught whereas Agent Ward is younger and likes to complete cases differently. For example, in the diner scene Agent Ward went and sat with the coloured people as there were no seats left in the white section but Agent Anderson didn’t follow. Other characters in the film are Deputy Pell (Brad Dourif) and Sheriff Stuckey (Gailard Sartain). These two characters discriminate against coloured people the most. Parker shows this by making the two characters rude and arrogant. Both Stuckey and Pell were part of the KKK who scared and killed black people to help with the segregation of the coloured and white people. (Rest of America don't mean jack shit. You in Mississippi now. - Sheriff Stuckey.) Sheriff Stuckey said this because he believes that because he is in Mississippi the rules are different from those of other states in America.
Parker used different film techniques throughout the film such as camera angles, music and different clothing worn by the characters. In the film Parker used camera angles such as extreme wide shot. An example of when extreme wide shot was used was at the start of the film when we see the