It’s 95 degrees outside the sun is beaming, I feel sweat around my body but yet this is the best season of the year. Family cookouts, late night walks on the beach and pool parties is the start of a new summer season. Temperature can effect so much in ones perspective on seasons. When hot out and the sun is shining bright, most can say their happy. It’s so easy waking up in the morning and getting ready for the day. A light blouse, shorts and flip flop is all you need for such warm weather. The summer and salads are so delicious too! I personally always look forward to an iced cold strawberry lemonade and a fresh salad, with romaine lettuce and fresh mandarins.
A positive feature of summer is being in tune with your senses. For example, smelling fresh cut grass in the morning, bon fires at night and barbeques, that is how you know summer has arrived. One of my favorite moments of summer is in the late night hearing my family around the bon fire laughing reminiscing on life events or strolling down memory lane. And in that moment if I want to tune them out and be in tune with nature I could clearly hear the crickets chirping away and the buzz zapper zapping mosquitoes every few minutes. As for a negative aspect of summer would be going into your car after shopping for 3 hours and feeling the heat rush all over your body, making it worse if you have leather seats burning your thighs and legs. Not a good feeling!
The transition of seasons can be difficult to handle. Spring is a season of feeling comfortable, where temperature lies right in the middle. Spring weather consist of feeling cool and not hot and sweaty, just thinking of the word cool makes me feel comfortable. It's the time of year when the weather starts to warm up. The days are longer and looking at the sunsets is quite beautiful. Seeing the colors purple, pink and orange mixed to a distinct blend can be mesmerizing. In the mist of spring season leafs start to grow back on the