How is starch and cellulose treated to allow them to be used by the yeast?
(1)Starch is a complex carbohydrate that is insoluble in water. It is supplied by traditional staple foods such as cereals, roots and tubers. Starch is used in cooking for thickening foods such as sauce.
In industry, it is used in the manufacturing of paper, textiles and as a mould in the manufacture of sweets such as wine gums and jelly beans.
(2)As with any food preparation, there are many certain aspects of the fermentation process that can change the quality of the end product. Fermentation is the process of controlling bacteria, yeast and moulds to modify food, producing a desired product. Fermentation occurs naturally in many different foods given the right conditions, and humans have intentionally made use of it for many thousands of years Fermentation can improve food so that:
Tastes different, bringing new, often strong flavours to the source foods, easier to digest, Is more nutritious, last longer. As with any food preparation, there are many certain aspects of the fermentation process that can change the quality of the end product.
How is beer made?
Beer is made from four basic ingredients: barley water yeast and hoops. The brewing procedure starts with grains, usually barley. The grain is harvested and processes. This is done by heating, drying out and cracking the grain. The grain is then harvested and processed. This is done by heating, drying out and cracking the grain. The thing for malting the grains is to isolate the enzymes wanted by the brewers so that it’s ready for mashing. Mashing the secondary process of brewery. (3)It is when the grains are sttepes in hot but not boiling water for about an hour. This activates enzymes in the grains which cause it to begin to breakdown and release the sugar inside of it. Once this accomplished, hot water from the mash that’s full of the sugar from the grains is drained. Which leaves you with
Bibliography: 1. - i used this website to develop my ideas on fermentation and the whole process but however i did not use in my research work this is because its not exactly reliable as everyone can edit whenever they like. 2. - this website was really helpful and i also think that it was reliable because it is an educational website and the information on there is bound to be reliable. 3. – i used this website to find out more about wine and how its made etc. I thinks it reliable as it cannot be edited 4. - this website had relevant but it wasn’t so goo and i wasn’t particularly sure that what i was reading was reliable because yahoo answers can be extremely biased and certainly unreliable at times. I did find the information but however i did not use it. I seemed to find better websites 5. - this website was really and i believe it was also reliable because the information seemed to match my other research. I presume the reason i chose to use it is because it explained things in a much less sophisticated making it easier to understand fully.