
Mobile Killing Squads

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Mobile Killing Squads
World War II was a terrible event that had happened to the world. The day World War II broke out in Poland was September 1st 1939. The Holocaust started in 1933 when Hitler needed someone to blame for the economical crisis going on in Germany at the time. The Holocaust was a horrific event that caused millions of Jews to lose their life. Mobile killing squads was one way Hitler killed Jews. A mobile killing squad is a group of men that would go town to town and kill any Jews or undesirables Mobile killing squads acted swiftly they took the Jewish population by surprise the mobile killing squads would go into a town round up all of the Jews and have them hand over all of their valuables and have them remove their clothing then the Jews were …show more content…
Einsatzgruppe A was the most horrific mobile killing unit. When the mobile killing squads would conduct mass shooting they would use abandoned tank ditches or quarry’s if none of these were around they would make the victims dig their own graves Franz Walther served in the mobile killing squads later on before they were disbanded in 1941 the officers were tried at Nurnberg and many different places and seven were executed. Mobile killing units would keep very precise records while on the battlefield. The mobile killing units would carry out mass murders. They would come to towns and gather up all the Jews and carry them out into the woods where they would standup in front of a vast pit full of dead bodies and the squad would shoot them. They would fall into the pit and be covered with a layer of dirt and they would keep doing this until that group was gone then they would march out another group of around 100. The mobile killing squads were formed when Adolf Hitler needed a fast and fearful way to kill the Jews other than the long train rides to the various killing centers. The einsatzgruppe was first deployed on June 22nd 1941 their orders was to kill any Jew. The einsazgrippen following the German army into the Soviet Union they massacred Jews in konvo Riga and Vilna. The einsazgruppen received a lot of assistance from the German and axis soldier’s locals and other ss units. By the spring the einsatgruppen and order police battalions had killed over a million Jews and tens of thousands soviet commissioners partisans, Roma, and institutionalized disabled persons the mobile killing squads method of killing their helpless victims was mainly shooting and the men having to shoot the Jewish prisoners had said

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