By Paris Huang
In our Civil case, I am Jean Welby, who is paul welby’s mother and also the witness of the case. I am 46years old,a stay home mum,living in 1703.w.sesame street. If I need to rate myself for the effort I put into my role, I think I will rate for 4 because everyday, I actively participated in our group discussion and I had read my deposition and the whole story for a a lot of times ,highlighted plenty of important sentences/imformation which could help me for our trail. Also, I prepared and wrote down the questions and answers that the plantiff attorney would ask me during the cross-examination. There is one thing that I am really proud of is that we finishd our whole trail in a right and fair process as well as I completed my witness job successfully. However,there is still one thing I need to do differently. When I was reading Jean Welby’s deposition, there was one slang in it, I should ask my American Friends the meaning of the slang instead of using my own way to understand it .
To be honest, this mock trail ,which I have never done before is really a good pratical experience for me. Through this imitation trail, I got a better,specific and deepen understanding about the trial and I learned about the leagal system in a more competitive manner. I feel I just experienced a real trail. It’s pretty cool ! Moreover,There are three things that I learned about the trail process from this experience that I didn’t know before I want to say. First, it is about the Baliff. Actually, before the mock trail, I never know there is baliff in the trail. But after experiencing, I know about that before every trail, we should have a baliff like Collin in our mock trail to ask every witness “do you swear to tell the truth,the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ,so help your god?” And at the same time,witness should raise their right hand and put their left hand on the bible. Another thing is about the “redirect” and