It is one-way communication that is often more hype than fact. In this model, the truth is not a priority. The press agentry model is used mostly to promote entertainment events like boxing.Press agentry plays a major role in record companies, circuses, tourist attractions, motion pictures studios, television, concert promotions, and the business enterprises headed by "media personalities", Considerable press agentry goes into political campaigns and national political party conventions to build name recognition and attract large audience. Press agents work to attract public notice than to build public understanding. Publicity is the major strategy of press agents. They base their approach on the "agenda-setting theory", which says that the amount of mass media coverage subsequently determines the relative importance of topics and people on the public agenda. In the candid words of a veteran press agent, "We stoop to anything, but our stuff gets printed."And it can pay off.
The Public Information Model
This model of public relations is a style of one-way communication (organisation to target public). It demonstrates an emphasis on maintaining and enhancing the organizations image by distributing meaningful information’s to their target public. In this model, public relations practitioners need to be creative in the way in which they reach their target audience and also with the information it contains. This will appeal to their emotions. It utilizes small amounts of research such as readership, readability studies etc.
Two-way Asymmetric Model
This model of public relations is a style of two-way communication where feedback is given. In this style it is limited to helping the sender gain maximum impact of messages. This process is seen as in balanced as it benefits the sender only. In this model, public relations practitioners manipulate and force the public to behave in a way that they would like, this is