Notes: Kevin Bales addresses the extensive health risks and consequences associated with slavery and trafficking (i.e.: physical assault/torture, malnutrition, exhaustion, forced abortions, and sexually transmitted diseases). Women exploited in the sex trafficking rings are at a greater risk of being exposed to conditions that can negatively impact their physical, mental, and mental health.
• “All slaves suffer more or less, and multitudes much, in their health and strength ~ Theodore Dwight Weld, 1839” (Page 124).
• “Many slaves are exposed to deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, and virtually all slaves …show more content…
This damage predisposes them to chronic infections and pain, infertility, and an increased risk of spontaneous abortions in the future. Numerous methods are utilized to abort an unwanted fetus and include injecting corrosive liquids such as bleach into the vagina and uterus, inserting foreign objects such as knitting needles…pummeling the abdomen with a fist or blunt object, and forcing a woman to jump from a height” (Page 131).
• “Sleep deprivation serves as punishment and a control mechanism, rendering slaves physically unable to resist their bosses or attempt escape…Food deprivation is equally common…Malnutrition is especially devastating to child slaves because it impairs their physical and mental development. It leads to nutritional deficiency disorders such as night blindness, induced by Vitamin A deficiency, or scurvy, which results from inadequate Vitamin C intake and causes easy bleeding, poor wound healing, and fatigue” (Page 135).
Source: Ngwe, Job Elom, Ph.D., and O. Oko Elechi, Ph.D. "Human Trafficking: The Modern Day Slavery of the 21st Century." African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies, November 2012. Accessed January 31, 2016.
Notes: Human trafficking statistics (generates how much money and numbers …show more content…
“In fact, many victims…report that the psychological abuse if as harmful or worse, than the physical abuse they have suffered” (Page 191). The methods used by human traffickers to manipulate and terrorize victims create a lasting sense of fear, isolation, and disconnection to the outside world. Nonviolent coercion can be just as effective as physical abuse in employing control over an individual. (Privacy denied, overcrowded confined living spaces, deprivation of social contact/prevented from having friends or talking to other people). Traffickers/perpetrators want to create an environment where the victim will be pressured to succumb and repress the desire to escape or