In order to be an academia researcher into a particular field one must be able to gather and identify materials that are appropriate to what they are researching and what they are trying to prove or to disprove. It is imperative for the doctoral learner to be able to locate the needed information and be able to organize it in an effective manner that will be able to communicate what they are researching and how the information that they have found all ties in together. In order to make what they are researching accurate and objective in all matter and they must also be able to identify through their research who are the top researchers in the fields that they are researching and see what information these subject matter experts have been able to gather, as this will help the doctoral learners to be able to learn and evaluate what they are reading, and to see if it the given materials are relevant to what they are researching.
According to the Griffith Institute for Higher Education, it is imperative that a student be able to analyze and critically evaluate arguments and evidence appropriate to their disciplines (e.g. collect and interpret data and information, generate and test hypotheses, synthesize and organize information). Often times the doctoral learner has been in many courses that they have had to conduct research on any given topic but at the level of a doctoral learner they may not have developed the critical thinking skills necessary to be able to completely evaluate what they are reading to see if this is exactly what they are