Environmental Science Senior Secondary Course
Environmental Issues
Developmental activities such as construction, transportation and manufacturing not only deplete the natural resources but also produce large amount of wastes that leads to pollution of air, water, soil, and oceans; global warming and acid rains. Untreated or improperly treated waste is a major cause of pollution of rivers and environmental degradation causing ill health and loss of crop productivity. In this lesson you will study about the major causes of pollution, their effects on our environment and the various measures that can be taken to control such pollutions.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
define the terms pollution and pollutants;
list various kinds of pollution;
describe types of pollution, sources, harmful effects on human health and control of air pollution, indoor air pollution, noise pollution;
describe water pollution, its causes and control;
describe thermal pollution;
describe soil pollution, its causes and control;
describe radiation pollution, sources and hazards.
Human activities directly or indirectly affect the environment adversely. A stone crusher adds a lot of suspended particulate matter and noise into the atmosphere. Automobiles emit from their tail pipes oxides of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and a complex mixture of unburnt hydrocarbons and black soot which pollute the atmosphere. Domestic sewage and run off from agricultural fields, laden with pesticides
Environmental Pollution and fertilizers, pollute water bodies. Effluents from tanneries contain many harmful chemicals and emit foul smell. These are only a few examples which show how human activities pollute the environment. Pollution may be defined as addition of undesirable material into the environment as a result of