1. Were you able to remember the name of a person introduced to you just five minutes ago? 4 almost always.
2. Could you describe what your roommate (or wife or husband) was wearing when he or she left the house in the morning? 3 frequently.
3. Would you be able to remember the last three songs you heard on the radio or on your personal hand held device? 4 almost always.
4. Did you attempt to make connections between what you read in a textbook assignment and what you heard in class from the instructor? 2 occasionally
5. Did you participate in class by asking questions (or answering questions) about the day's lesson? 2 occasionally
6. Did you visit the instructors office to seek clarification
or ask a question to make sure you understood the class material? 0 never.
7. Did you take an exam and remember almost everything you had studied? 5 always.
8. Did you use memory aids such as (charts, acronyms, and sayings) to help you remember the information for the test? 1 almost never.
9. Did you "freeze up" or "blank out" on a test and perform poorly? 1 almost never.
10. Add up your scores for items 1,2,3 divide by 3 write your answer here: 3.7
11. Using the key provided to explain each number (0,1,2,3,4,5) complete this sentence: When it comes to noticing information, I 5 always take effective notes of things around me and in front of me.
12. Add up your scores for items 4,5,6 divide by 3 write your answer here: 1.3
13. Using the key provided to explain each number (0,1,2,3,4,5) complete this sentence: When it comes to storing information I am learning, I 5 always store this information effectively.
14. Add up your scores for items 7,8,9 divide by 3, write your answer here: 2.3
15. Using the key provided to explain each number (0,1,2,3,4,5) complete this sentence: When it comes to reclaiming or retrieving or remembering or recalling information I am learning, I 5 always am able effectively to reclaim information i need.
Based on your answers, what insights have you gained about your experiences with organization. Well i recognized, that over all, I think i have good organization.