Not many people can look back in their lives and pinpoint some exact moments that changed their lives. And to find the most important moment of all those moments is a hard thing to do for most of them. For me, I had two very important moments that had a huge impact on my life which are Participating in January 25th revolution and Joining the AUC. However, I find Joining the AUC is more important as it was a part of the influence I had that made me wanting to participate in the revolution. Joining the AUC was a very hard decision to make; it took a very long time to get it done. We have to go back to the beginning of the story, which can be divided to four phases of my life.
The first phase would be my childhood. I always wanted to be an engineer, I was a huge fan of electronic devices, I loved to fix things, and I even tried many times to create new things of my broken toys. Then, it was my late childhood when we got our first computer, I was about 10 back then, it was amazing and I used to spend hours playing and exploring new things about it, and that was when I started falling in love with computers. I had that computer for many years till I finished my last year in preparatory education with high grades, that was when I asked my father for a new better computer which I used to spend longer time using than I used to spend using the other as it was more developed and advanced.
The second phase would be the end of my first year in secondary education, which is when the cause of the problem emerged. It was when I had to decide if I will go for science subjects or mathematics subjects. My mother is a doctor and my father is a lawyer, they both wanted me to be a doctor, I kept telling them that I do not want to go for medicine and that I wanted to go for computer engineering. My mother discussed it with me and she was telling me that if I do not get the required grade for engineering I will have to go for other fields and colleges