Safe operation of GBC
Check out while starting:
• CW System: Ensure that the cooling water pump & at least 04/05 nos fan are in running condition.
• Seal Gas Skid: Always Charge gas through gas filters GT-F8102 and fill the system. This prevents dirty gas going to seals.
• Always maintain barrier seal pressure @ 0.3to 0.5 atg on OTB side and TB side before start of the Lube oil Pump and during normal operation.
• Open the suction valve HIC 8001 only after the system is filled with gas and reaching the suction pressure.
• Open the discharge valve GTV 8002 before starting of compressor as seal gas to compressor is taken from downstream of the discharge valve.
• Open valve GTV 8101 ( On Compressor Discharge line) near seal gas skid before starting of compressor.
• Ensure Differential pressure between seal gas and balancing gas at 0.5 to 0.8 by keeping PDCV (8103) in auto. This can be achieved by selecting in DCS seal gas system.
• Always maintain positive Differential pressure across secondary seal injection (N2) and primary seal vent (PDG 8115 &8114), and flow secondary inlet line shall be in the range of 40-60 lpm
• Inlet Valve / Outlet valve: Keep suction valve 10 % (+) open before starting of compressor and after reaching full speed keeping a watch on Motor current.
• Ensure 100% opening of Anti-surge valve at start
• Drain condensate from seal gas filters, seal gas inlet, compressor drains before starting the compressor. Ensure the outlet valve is 100% open • Operation from DCS: Ensure Lube oil pump changeover interlock: when pump A is running (manual mode)condition and B in Auto condition. Stop Pump A from DCS and pump B starts and vice versa.
• Check trip logic and if any trip appears, Pl checks and clears it.
• Check start permissive is OK (i.e. All green in DCS screen)
• During operation