Eng 101 Does Money bring Happiness? “My well being depends on me getting all that I desire.” “Life is limited. There isn’t enough for everyone.” "They don’t cut you no slack. You give and you give and they take.” “The urge to splurge is driving folks to spend, spend, and spend like never before. But is it true?” We have been told that the wealth of money brings us to success and happiness, but does it? Does our life depend on it? Or we are driven by greed? One thing that we should know is that money will not necessarily lead to happiness, success and a good reputation after all. Money is not the only measure of success in life. For most people in our modern world, money is the first thing, and sometimes the only thing that measures success in their life. Money can buy power. Money can buy fame. Money can buy time. Sometimes money can even buy a life. So money has become the first common goal for everybody. However, there is something else that can be the measurement of success in life.
The common goal in people’s life is to be peaceful and happy. Being the richest man in the world does not mean you are the happiest man in the world, although money can buy you happiness sometimes, but not always. So another measurement of success you are in is how happy your life is. “My well being depends on me getting all that I desire.” Every person has always been in the search of happiness, who would not love to find it? Happiness could be from one person to another, put in one point people have related money with happiness, this will drive a person to be addicted and having an excessive desire of money far more than its needed or, this would probably make a person be greedy.
“Life is limited. There isn’t enough for everyone.” In our daily life we meet people who are always angry, focused only to find the perfect life and success, forgetting the basics of life and little details which nature and life grant for free. It