There are four main branches of idealisms that deal with how a person learns. The behaviorist viewpoint of learning focuses on the people learning by observation. ‘Monkey see, monkey do’! Cognitive approach is centered on the thinking about the behavior before action. Constructivists considerhow the learning and teaching …show more content…
process has been structured with experiences and interactions with others. “Knowledge is believed to exist independently of the learner, and then to become internalized as it is transferred from its external reality to an internal reality of the learner that corresponds directly with outside phenomenon” (Applefield, Huber, & Moallem, p. 5). There are many approaches to constructivism theories;scaffolding, meta-cognition, problem-solving and inquiry-based learning. The humanistic viewpointis that people learn at their own pace, desires, mental capacities and self-motivation. Maslow’shierarchy of needs show how needs are meet, and so on until self-awareness is hindered. A humanistic approach suggests that learning is continuing throughout the developmental process. “Humanism focuses on the ‘inner’ experiences of feelings, emotions, values, and attitudes” (Cicciarelli, 2007, p. 2). An example of humanism ismotivation, which focuses on the reasons or incentives that are gained through knowledge.
Five Theories of Learning
Multiple Intelligence Multiple intelligence is a theory developed by Howard Gardner. He proposed that there are multitudes of intelligences that a person can have that influences how they learn. The theory of MI explains a pluralistic point of view, recognizing many different and discrete facets of cognitive acknowledgment that people have difference cognitive strengths and contrasting cognitive styles (Gardner, 2008, p.5). There is not discrimination between these intelligences; they all have advantages that correspond with the development and application of knowledge the person retains. The eight intelligences include; Linguistics (word smart), Logical-mathematical (numbers smart), Visual-Spatial (picture smart), Intrapersonal (Self-smart), Interpersonal (people smart), Musical (music smart), Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart), and Naturalistic (nature smart). Together or apart these intelligences can work together in order to achieve optimal learning. Knowing which intelligences a person is stronger in can help the person’s cognitive process. By understanding the role of each, the person may determine which strategy would be better for their individual needs.
Repetition is a form of behaviorism. The act of repeating a process is repetition. This allows for the steps or procedures to become natural for the person to do. A good example of repetition would be learning how to type. A first the process of knowing the location of the keys on the key board are important. After this knowledge is remembered, it is easier for the brain to recall these locations. After the process of typing words, then sentences is remembered the brain can remember the location of the keys and they typist will no longer have to look at the placement of the keys before entering in the words they wish to type. The same repetition process can be done with a multitude of tasks. Ultimately is depends on the complexity of the tasks desired. Other factors such as motivation and reinforcements can also have a helping hand in this process. Learning how to type for communicative proposes would be a positive reinforcement.
Motivation with Reinforcements Motivation is a great way to get people to do what you need them to do.
A good motivational tool is the use of positive reinforcements. Providing employees with incentives are a good way to meet job requirements. Motivation can work in two ways; to inhibit behavior or to make behaviors cease to exist. Positive reinforces or incentives like pay increase, time-off, and health benefits would best be implemented for employees that deserve a promotion. Other employees can observe these reinforces and being to work harder for the company in order to gain incentives. Negative reinforces in the work place would be reprimands for those who fail to meet the goals set by the company.
Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is the knowledge a person has about the feelings of others. A person of high emotional intelligence is aware of the needs of those in their environment. Being able to recognize these emotions will prepare the person by being able to assess and handle a situation before or as it occurs. Emotional intelligence is not being intelligence smart but people smart. Being able to understand and work well with others is a characteristic that will be helpful to any employee at any level of the company.
Scaffolding Scaffolding is the theory that knowledge is built upon from previous experiences. Knowing about a subject, the scaffolding or continuing to add on to what you know about the subject. Scaffolding techniques can be used in the work place in order to teach employees. If the employee knows about how to work with a familiar computer program, they can easily notice the program after it has been updated or changed. The scaffolding technique is used best with employees who are familiar with the job tasks and requirements. “The Vygotskian perspective stresses how social interactions are intrinsic elements of cognitive development, and social interaction is conceptualized primarily as dyadic, as something happening between parent/teacher and child/pupil” (Nielsen, 2008, p. 248).
Conclusion “In workplace learning people use ordinary, not technical language to address the challenges at hand. The goal of the use of common sense in workplace learning is to achieve a practical result” (Gerber, 2001, p. 73). Having both intellectual and street smarts are essential to having the best employees in the company. These to intelligences will play a vital role in employee effectiveness. Being able to recognize and apply learner theories and strategies will be beneficial to the company. Acknowledging that all employees learn differently and how to be able to help them learn in different ways can excel any business. Being able to apply learner strategies will help keep the employees organized, unified and goal oriented within the company. All the theories and approaches can work together to improve upon the learning process. Some maybe more beneficial to others, that is precisely why it is necessary to imply a variety to help a vast amount of employees.