This article was very interesting and informative. It takes place in the 1970’s, on a 815 acre reserve named Hacienda Baru National Wildlife Refuge. On the refuge there is a lot of animals that are dependent on the forest as a means of survival. One animal in particular that the article talks about is the Whitefaced Capuchin (Cebus capuchin), which is a black small primate with a white head and chest, and has a human like face.
In the 1970’s there was less natural habitation and more farm and pasture land. On the reserve there are three forests. There is one large and two small forests that are separated by rice fields and cattle pasture. For a monkey to get the other forest it meant that they would have to …show more content…
To be able to sustain life to all living creatures there has to be a balance in the scales. If it takes restoring the land to the natural forest to ensure the survival of all living creatures that dwell within it, then I say “Do it!”
When we do this we are not only ensuring the survival of the animals in the rainforest but we are also creating a healthier balanced environment for ourselves in the process. So in the long run we all benefit from helping in replenishing the forests. I also feel that it is important that we as humans stop and realize that we have caused what has happened. And now we need to look into ways of fixing it before it is too late to fix.
When we look back at the article, it states that due to the reforesting of the rainforest will ensure that the monkeys, 3 toed sloth, amphibians, reptiles, and a million other creatures a place to live and grow in harmony with humans in the environment. So I say, “Let’s keep up the work on restoring the natural balance for a healthier more viable rainforest, so that all animals and humans can have better quality of life.” Hopefully through this class I can gain a