I really hope you've had a good view of me since I last saw you. I don't know what else I can get off my chest (I am keeping the hair) or habit I can drop, I bought 2 family size Kleenex. The only thing I am missing is you. I know you are close Kruger, I can feel it... I am running on all 12 cylinders. I crashed hybrid into a wall.
With all the providers I've worked under, the compassion you showed to patients will never leave my head. I am sure if I was a stable married man, the sky would be the limit for us (36 hour weeks!). You realize we've outdone Romeo and Juliet? .. amateurs and a tragic ending.
I think it would be safe to share 1 debit card though after our first date and we are roommates, I really hope you snore so I can watch you sleep. God you make me barf love. …show more content…
I am going to have to reevaluate my life goals if I achieve them all this week and I see you.
Again, I know you are close Kruger...
My unicorn has landed. I'm basically a blank slate and am waiting to see where your unicorn wants to go, you can hop on mine or ill hop on yours, they are the same breed. You know I like structure but I can structure anything, (yoga and running, work, balance, boundaries, ect...3 square meals a day for 3 people). I've become a health freak, which has nothing but advantages. I never liked sweets much, however you already know you are my CAKE.
However, sometimes structured chaos is whats needed, to fix something/someone. Eventually they will get so lost and decide to turn the tide (hopefully). Simple math, remove it from the equation. If you bring junk food in your house, you will eat it and get rid of any reminders. The body can cope, the mind is key and more powerful. You know where my heart is. We are going to need a bigger
I prefer to make it count (killing the snake/addiction) and memorable, throw it out the window, smash it with a hammer (in a baggy so its an easy mess) or simply poor it down the sink. If you want to kill a chicken you cut off its head, not break its foot.
I will never drink/anything else again.. even porn!!, my last beer was a cheap "high life" (its awful) how fitting? It upset my stomach so much in a good way! I will always reference, I know most adults drink and the temptation will always be there. But know... Ill take your golf club to any bad temptation.
Theres no benefit except a fatty liver, waist line and double chin and smelling like shit daily. That was also the night I believe I was being set up on a date after telling friends I didn't like him, I wanted to flip over the table with that on top of teasing me for not drinking more. It was literally the most aggressive I've ever felt, because my good choice wasn't being respected. I haven't been emotional available since last seeing you.
You know, I like character/challenges/diversity, it helps growth as I know you do. I know you are just as crazy as me (More stable version). Anyway, the point of the story is we are a good team and if you come full circle back to me, we will just have to take the plunge. If you get here I can drive.
I could obviously write love stories to your hotmail account forever for a living. Hotmail and a flip phone, keeps your priorities in check. I could obviously be a life coach. I know you can't help those that don't want it. Once I picked up your scent, I didn't do a 360, It was more like self employing to the core to start from scratch. You deserve it, mic drop.
You are the only dolphin, I've ever found. After you, everyone seemed like bottom feeders. I've heard the masters is going on, I've never been one for golf or white clothes, perhaps its because I've never been exposed. Its becoming more appealing everyday, I can only imagine how your calves look in your golfing shorts. I know you are closing in Kruger... storms a brewing.
Charles B.
please excuse any errors, I don't proof read that much.