Lite frankincense and myrrh clouding the room with the royal scents. She began to worship. Calling on Anhur—the god of war, Ammit—the god that devour the condemned, Ma’at—the god who personify truth and justice, and Werethakau—the god of strength. The compilation of the gods will definitely help us triumph over Cairo’s ghost face army. Ammit will devour the souls of the condemened pale face warriors in revenge of their barbaric behaviors toward my people. Ma’at will personify truth and justice and reconstruct order after the slaughter. Werethekau will give me the strength to help Amun in the …show more content…
The sky became a smoky color—then black. Our army of tall, strong, bronzed men moved forward without a slight hint of fear—remaining defiant as the grass that we trample through. Set the pharaoh of Cairo’s palace was in the distance. The lightning would strike over the village, as if the god of storms was waging war on Set and his ghost face warriors. As the lightning strikes it would illuminate miles of land as if it was high noon-- just enough to help keep us on track to Set’s village. Armed with an Entrean axe, the palace of Set is in the distance. We couldn’t ideate the magnitude of the sky engulfing the village—casting its darkness only over the village, then the hail began to fall. This hail was the normal round formed ice balls—they were giant sized flails. The spikes on the imitating forms of ice were about six inches in length. Suddenly, the screams from women and children. The sounds of havoc. The storm would continue to terrorize the village throughout the