With only a plush, ivory towel placed underneath her juicy backside, she let the fire little by little evaporate all the small droplets still clinging to her brown flesh. Meanwhile, she pondered the changes that had already happened, in only a few and short hours; time seemed slower and she could enjoy herself for much longer than if she was home. Sighing in content, she carefully ran her fingers through the thick, shoulder length and coily hair that was always tied back in a ponytail for work. Along with the tender fragrance of a Jasmine and Lavender incense, Ebony's worries, the anxieties of a normal trauma nurse, were slowly but surely dissipating; her eyes growing increasingly heavy with each inhale as she settled herself deeper into the tattered yet bizarrely comfortable loveseat, gently fluttered closed...
A sudden, high pitch shriek jolted the sleeping vacationer into the air. "Shit, I must have fallen asleep," Ebony muttered, slender fingers clutching at her bare chest. For a moment, she just sat there and attempted to calm her nerves. She contemplated putting on clothes, even a thin, cotton tee shirt seemed to constricting and also, no peeping tom's were around for miles. She figured an animal or a falling leaf tripped her sensitive, car