Monounsaturated fat can found in all foods but abundant monounsaturated can be found in canola oil, olive oil, nuts,and avocados. People who consumes food in high monounsaturated fat will decrease HDL values(Fat, body fat measurements. (2007). In World of Anatomy and Physiology. Gale.). On the other hands it may raise high-density lipoprotein. Women who consumes Monounsaturated fat will has a reduction of getting breast cancer than those who does not consume(Psaltopoulou, T., Kosti, R. I., Haidopoulos, D., Dimopoulos, M., & Panagiotakos, D. B. (2011). Olive oil intake is inversely related to cancer prevalence: a systematic review and a meta-analysis of 13800 patients and 23340 controls in 19 observational studies. Lipids in Health and Disease, 10, 127.) …show more content…
Tran fat do not provide much nutritional value to system of the body unlike the healthy fats. Similar to the saturated fat, trans fat contributes the low density cholesterol in the bloodstream. Trans fat increase the risk of coronary heart disease more than any other types of fat. Trans fat can be nature and industrially, the foods that produce by industry must have more Trans fat than the natural foods. Consuming high trans fat has no benefit to human body instead, it will increase LDL cholesterol and decrease the HDL cholesterol like the saturated fat. Also, increase in blood lipoprotein and triglycerides. High trans fat in diet also can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. New England Journal of Medicine in 2006 shows that 2 percent increase in calorie intake from trans fats can increase risk of heart disease by more than 23 percent (Aldridge, Susan. "Hydrogenated Fats and Trans Fats." Food: In Context, edited by Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner, vol. 1, Gale, 2011, pp. 475-477.). Industrial trans fat shown increase healthy risks more than naturally occurring trans fats. So, many places limit or completely ban trans fat from all commercial food products, including fats foods. Trans fat is plays a useless role in human diet and removing trans fat will benefit health. Consuming 5 grams of trans fat daily can cause