This article is simply critical. Although over a hundred years old, Monsanto has become a broad name amongst college campuses and online forums of the younger generation as of recent years. Even marches in large cities and college campuses have been walked, March Against Monsanto. With the evolving and more common use of technology …show more content…
“So what do we do about this shitty, shitty company” (Caldwell, Vice)? A question raised to readers in a way that readers might ask themselves. The use of somewhat unpleasant language fuels the anger being introduced into readers. Readers are supposed to be angry and motivated while reading this piece, the use of the word “shitty” should be helping. Aside from the interesting language, even the tone throughout the piece is more casual than professional, meant to invite readers, and let readers know that Vice is also a victim.
With a little more dissection, it can be appreciated and praised that this article uses a metaphor as a point of reference for readers. “Just like guns can be used to protect or destroy, and fences can be used to preserve or detain, GMO technology can be used to serve the people or the man” (Caldwell, Vice). Dissecting even further, the use of the phrase “the man” appeals to a crowd that also might use the same phrase to refer to our