What role does Hrothgar play in the epic?Danish King “The old king sat satly”
Who/what is causing so much grief in Hrothgar’s kingdom?The monster Grendel,his attacks on innocent people “Grendel killed more--blinded by sin, he felt no remorse.”
How many years has this battle with Grendel been going on? 12years” Twelve years this went on”
What attempts have been made to rid the land of this beast? Going to heathen temples, worshipping idols and calling the Devil for help. “They even went to heathen temples,worshipped idols, and called to the Devil for help.”
After reading Section 2:
What causes Beowulf to want to help Hrothgar? How does he get there, and how many men accompany him?,He felt responsible,on a ship,14men accompany him “That man called for a ship.... So the good Geat chose the bravest warriors,fourteen of them,”
Why does Hrothgar’s soldier question Beowulf about his lineage?To make sure he wasnt a spy “I wish to know your lineage now so I know you are not spies going into the land of the Danes.”
Why is this important to that time period?Because not many people volunteereed to kill large beasts
Do you see any examples of alliteration or kennings?Alliteration:saves,water,warrior, wounds
Kennings: Healfdene's son,protector of the people “Every wise man readily remembers him throughout the earth.We have come with friendly heartsto see your lord, Healfdene's son, protector of the people.”