As you read the novel and learn more about the characters, fill in details about them, including their actions, motivations (= the reasons for their actions) and relationships.
David Hayden: Narrator of his own memory. He was 12 year old when the events of the story happened. Didn’t feel that Montana was an exciting place. Lived in Benchrock, Montana. Was disappointed with his dad Wes as he was a bit of a dropkick stereotype. Had no brothers or sisters. He loved his parents… (
Loves Marie.
Loves his parents a lot.
He likes Nahi grape soda.
David has an awkard relationship with is mom.
Has a fantasy to kill his Uncle.
He’s growing up, and is seeing how much of a monster Frank is.
Wes Hayden
Has a permanent limb since he was 16. The sheriff of Benchrock. Never carried his gun.
Can’t go to war because of his leg.
He died 10 years ago…
He was the sheriff of Mercer County, Montana.
Serving his Second term as Sheriff.
Trained as an Attorney.
When he was the Sheriff, he lived in town. When he wasn’t, he lived out at the Ranch.
He is Irreligious.
Doesn’t like Indians and doesn’t respect them.
Very Obedient.
Doesn’t want to upset his father.
Likes cake.
He hated the wind.
Not afraid to show emotions, especially when Marie dies.
Gail Hayden
David doesn’t tell the story that Gail passes away.
Died of a heart attack in the kitchen.
She’s small and skinny. She holds a gun once, she felt awesome like Mark and Jordan.
Gail is very religious.
She wanted to move to the city as she worried about David’s soul.
Cares about Marie (the housekeeper) a lot.
Never really trusted Frank form the beginning.
She miss trusts charming people.
Sees Frank as a phonie.
Gail never trusted Frank, because of his charm.
She likes the wind.
Frank Hayden
Had dark, wavy hair.
Was a genuine War Hero.
Star Athlete back in High School.
Saved 3 guys in the battlefield under heavy fire.
He likes Native American women.
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