Page #’s Response to the passage
“I regret now,” said he, “having helped you in your late inquiries, or having given you the information I did.”
“Why so? Inquired Dantès.
“Because it has installed a new passion in your heart— that of vengeance.”
Until now, Dantès has been ignorant of the evil done to him. He believed that it was only bad luck that had befallen him. When Faria shows Dantès that he was betrayed by people he thought to be close, his innocence and ignorance were now gone forever. He accepts that evil exists and transforms from a kind and loving man, to a man of vengeance and hate.
"When one thinks," said Caderousse, letting his hand drop on the paper,
"there is here wherewithal to kill a man more sure than if we waited at the corner of a wood to assassinate him! I have always had more dread of a pen, a bottle of ink, and a sheet of paper, than of a sword or pistol."
In this passage Caderousse’s wise words surprise Danglars and Fernand because they thought he was too drunk to pay attention to their conversation. They were afraid because they thought that Caderousse could have understood their entire conversation about plotting against Dantès, which Caderousse thought as a trustworthy friend who shouldn’t be punished.
"There, Edmond Dantes!" he said, pointing to the bodies of his wife and child, "see, are you well avenged?" Monte Cristo became pale at this horrible sight; he felt that he had passed beyond the bounds of vengeance, and that he could no longer say, "God is for and with me."
Monte Cristo was caught off guard when he saw Villefort’s family dead. He didn’t want to end the lives of innocent people when he realized that he wasn’t a god. For once he doubted himself and for once he thought of himself as just plain, old Dantès instead of a super-being.
“I . . . have been taken by Satan into the highest mountain in the earth, and when there he . . . said he to me, ‘Child of earth, what wouldst thou