by Sarah Vecera
Sarah Vecera
ENG 400- Hansen
Syllabus and Calendar
Unit Topic: Morality
Major Texts:
-Literature Circle Texts (TBA)
-To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
Materials Needed:
-Reading log journal
-Jumpstart Writing Journal
Overall Goals/Objectives:
This unit will help students to understand the complexities behind the human conscience and what drives us to behave the way we do. We will be examining the ideas behind morality, including the difference between right and wrong in a variety of contexts. Discussion about how we understand our own morality and how we choose to express it will help students critically look at their own behavior and the behavior of others. We will also be looking …show more content…
However, as stated before, papers and projects must be turned in on the due date. Assignments may be turned in late, but for each day, 5% of your grade on the assignment will be lost. It is also important that drafts of papers are turned in on time to encourage good peer-review.
My classroom relies heavily on open discussion. For this reason, any disrespect towards others will not be tolerated. Each student is required to be respectful to others and open to hearing a diverse amount of views on many different subjects. We will be creating a “Rules of Conduct” for our class at the beginning of the year to help keep the classroom a safe place for expression of self.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class. Students are required to give their own feedback and ideas in each of their assignments. We will cover the rules of citation to ensure each student has a clear understanding of how to use sources in their work without plagiarism.
Below is a summary of the major assignments for this Unit.
Point Value
Due …show more content…
Do the actions of our guardians affect how we behave? At what age should we “know better”?
-wkst #6 -Reading-Guide: Chapter One -To Kill a Mockingbird books
Anticipatory Set: Jumpstart Journal: 5-10 minutes Write the following on the board: “I hope that my achievements in life shall be these- that I have fought for what was right and fair, that I will have risked for that which mattered, and that I will have given help to those who were in need that I will have left the Earth a better place for what I have done and who I have been.” –Hoppe, C.
Would these achievements satisfy you at the end of your life? Would you add anything?
What matters to you? What would you risk for what matters to you?
How do you hope to change the world?
Give students about 5 minutes to write a short paragraph in response to the Jumpstart. As they finish writing, ask students to share their response with a partner. Let pairs discuss for a couple minutes. Gather the class’s attention, and ask for volunteers to share their answers with the class.
Activity 1: Dramatizations: 20-25 minutes
Write the following on small strips of