One disagreement was about the number of Representatives each state would send to Congress. Delegates from states with large populations wanted more representation because they paid more taxes. Delegates from small states feared their states would be overpowered by a central government and dominated by the larger states. Finally, a compromise was reached. Congress would consist of two houses. The state's population would determine the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. Each state would send two lawmakers to the Senate.
To give the Congress national authority, the Constitution gave Congress many new powers. Among them were the power to collect taxes, print all money, declare war, and draft soldiers.
To provide a check on this power, the delegates decided to set up three nearly equal branches of government. The Legislative branch would consist of Congress and make the laws. The President and Vice President would compose the Executive branch and enforce the laws. The Judicial branch would consist of the federal courts and the U.S. Supreme Court and would interpret Constitutional laws.
Adapted from Scholastic News.
Part of Collection: Constitution Day