1- Beat rivals (Lidl) on price for festive food and drink (Smithers, 2014) (
2- Convey brand value (spary, 2014) Increase availability (Hegarty, 2014)
4- Increase sales
5- Ramp up its "unique" price, quality and value credentials Generate interest among people (through books)
- IMC objective
Communicate “neutralised" prices (Spary, 2014) Communicate freshness of food new introductions in product line (Harrison, 2014) Generate traction on social media and EWOM through the use of hashtag #MakeChristmasSpecial
Generate WOM through celeb TTL activities across the country #UnionJatMorrisons
To establish a strong interest and engagement among the people (Solomon, et al. 2012).
Fill (2008, p. 35) defined above the line advertising, a paid advertising through a variety of media in broadcast and print forms.
TV Ad launched for the first time during the prime time Coronation Street slot on Friday. (
#MakeChristmasSpecial TV Advert
Approach: Emotional Appeal, Informative, Curiosity, Festive mood
Elements: Language, Music, Color, Celebrity
Demographic: All Ages
Media: ITV 1, 2063 Daily Viewership (ABC 1) (Barb, 2015).
Daily Mail
(ABC 1) 2402
(C2DE) 1343 NET Reach
Internet banner ad