Typology is a type of symbolism in which “a person or event in one era of redemptive history that has a specific parallel in another era of redemptive history” (p 178). This method of interpretation helps us understand the Mosaic covenant because it foreshadows and parallels the New Law in the New Testament. It helps build the foundation for New Law, and it also shows the people that their God is different from every other god of that time. Typology helps us understand the Mosaic covenant because it helps us understand how it created the foundation and beginning of the New Law when Christ died on the cross for us. Moses received the law and Jesus
would come later to fulfill the law (Class Notes).
2. What impact does the real time and real space of Egypt (in particular, the slavery and bondage that the Israelites were kept in) have on the Mosaic covenant?
The real time of Egypt plays an important part in helping to date the Exodus. Solomon’s temple was built 480 years after the Exodus and that number is significant (p 167-168) The number 480 can be broken down to 40x12 with the twelve representing the twelve tribes and forty is the standard length of a generation. The real space of Egypt is important because this is the place where without their slavery & bondage, the mosaic covenant would not have happened. There had been much time since Joseph and the new pharaoh did not know him and the Israelite did not know their culture and God. God needed to give them a law to help them reestablish the relationship. Without this oppression, there would be no reason to ask God for help.