Young men who are close to their mother tend to perform better in school. Mothers frequently support enthusiastic knowledge in their children. Teenage sons who are close to their mothers engage in less risky behavior. (Lombardi) Good parent-teen communication can help lessen the influence of negative peer pressure. Mothers who keep their children close are setting them up for better achievement further in life.
The definition of perseverance is “steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.” From my perspective, perseverance is the key to success. It is an important skill in life. A person who persevere through challenges use the hardships as stepping stones to success. People who accomplish tasks and achieve success are likely to continue trying through difficult situations. Also they seem to be more focused on the tasks rather than getting frustrated and giving up their long term goal. Perseverance leads to academic success.
Perseverance helps me get through everyday life knowing that my hard work will pay off in the future. My journey as a college student and young adult, I will have to maintain a positive attitude through the hardships. Determination will keep me focused on my main goals and help me achieve them in every way. As a college student I practice this skill to be the most successful at what I want to be in the future. Since my parents started college and did not finish I want to be able to break the cycle and become more successful. By achieving what they were not able to do in their years as a college student. I plan to finish my college journey by keeping myself motivated and positive thinking. I what to be able to accomplish each goal I set for myself and set a great example for my younger siblings. By being the oldest child, I want to be a role model for each of my siblings, so they can all become successful.
“Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes relates to the relationship of my mother, brother, and I.
My mother has been through many hardships and she informs me and my brother that life is difficult and things will not be given to us. But we have to work hard to earn what we want in life, in order to succeed. She continues to tell us that life is what we make it but it will not be an easy journey. My mother informs me that we will go through a bumpy road that will lead to sharpness and discomfort obstacles. As of today my mother continues to teach me to be an independent young adult. And if I want to be able to afford the things that I want I have to strive to be successful and never look back. The theme of “Mother to Son” is perseverance to live life without giving up. The mother compares her life to a ragged staircase which has “tacks” and “splinters” representing her life hardships and challenges such as financial strain and maintain a household. She is still determined to be “climbin’ on” the stairs despite the pain caused by the “tacks” and “splinters” along the way of every step. The mother encourages her son to never “set down on the steps” from the uphill challenges in life such as living through a struggle. She hopes to see her son face these obstacles rather than turning
I think that “Mother to Son” is a poem that young adults my age should take as a serious life experience. The mother describes how her son should never give up and strive for better. Each parent wants to see his or her child succeed and become a more improved person. As a young adult, I find this poem very inspiring because my mother also motivates me to never settle for less. In addition, if I want anything, I have to earn it by working hard and making a label for myself. These motivational words have stuck with me from my high school year to college. Now as a college student there are many times, frustration took a stance and makes me want to give up. However, negative thoughts will not get me anywhere in order to succeed. In line 19: “I’se still climbin’” motivates her son that she is still climbing the stairway but it has been a struggle to reach her goal. This line reminds me of my mother telling me that she has been through a struggling time in her life. And she wants me to continue my journey and reach each goal for myself and make her proud as a parent.
In conclusion, determination will be the result of how I will succeed in my future. Parents want to see their children become achievers. As role models parents instill strength and courage into his or her child mind for a better start. Perseverance is the key to becoming successful, you have to be overly dedicated to achieve through the difficult journey.
Work Cited
Hughes, Langston. "Mother to Son." Famous Family Poems. N/A, n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.
Lombardi, Kate. "5 Reasons the Mother-son Relationship Is So Important." N.p., 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.
"Og Mandino Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2015.