The problems that lead to the creation of MADD are the amount of children, friends and loved ones who are losing their lives due to the senseless acts of others. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is becoming normal and people are not being held accountable for their actions. 1 in 3 8th grade students are drinking underage already and that is causing the number of underage drinking deaths to rise to 5,000, which is higher than the number of deaths from illegal drugs. Before 1980, drunk driving deaths and injuries were spoken about in terms of cold, hard statistics—a tactic that was having little, if any, impact on reducing the number of deaths and injuries due to alcohol related crashes.
The problem was identified as a social problem when there were repeat offenders causing bodily harm to others and the consequences were nowhere near where they should be. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers has made a significant impact on our society today …show more content…
They are also required to have a breathalyzer installed in their vehicle which if it detects the presence of alcohol on the drivers’ breath their vehicle will not start. Another policy that was created was the drinking age and changing that to being 21 years of age rather than 18. Most states follow suit with the policies, I live in Wisconsin and we are just playing catch up with the new laws and