The character, in Arthur Miller's "The Crucible", who holds a sexually motivated goal for accusing others, is Abigail Williams. When Abigail is the Proctors' housekeeper, she and John Proctor commit adultery before the Salem witch trails. John, however, feels guilty of his crime and sees through Abigail's methods to kill his wife, Elizabeth Proctor, by accusing her (From Page to Stage). Abigail and the other girls fake being bewitched to convince others of the witchcraft's validity of the accused (Scheidt, 11). The other people being accused of witch craft only strengthened her chances of winning support for accusing Elizabeth Proctor. Her main goal is to eradicate Elizabeth Proctor and to gain back John's "love". "When suspicion swings to his wife, John is forced to choose: keep quiet about his lechery or expose Abigail and possibly forfeit his own life (High Intensity)". She uses the Salem witch trails, in such a way, to try and achieve her single goal of winning back John Proctor, by trapping him. She fakes being attacked by Elizabeth Proctor allegedly using a voodoo doll to pierce Abigail's stomach. Her goal is not completed though in the end, because John loves Elizabeth so much, that he allows himself to be accused and be executed, rather than be with Abigail.
The characters, in Arthur Miller's The Crucible, who have