Motivation in the Classroom
Theories and ideas
Lisa Pimpinella
Educational Psychology- HDV-284334
Instructor: Beth Reilly
March 28, 2011
From birth, babies begin exploring their environment. Starting with their first grip of a finger and continuing through each milestone, there is an inherent desire to understand the world around them. Greeno et al indicated that as children grow they are “seen as naturally motivated to learn when their experience is inconsistent with their current understanding” (as cited in Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p. 287). Cognitive theory suggests, each person is motivated by their need to understand their experiences like Piaget discussed in his theory of equilibrium. Students’ motivation to learn involves their “tendencies to find academic activities meaningful and worthwhile and try to get the intended learning benefits from them” (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p. 286). Teachers can motivate learners by promoting student involvement, satisfying student needs, increasing their motivation methodologies through classroom climate and instruction techniques, and intrinsically motivating students. To promote student involvement, the students’ own needs, beliefs, and goals have to be incorporated into learning. Additionally, their interest in learning, growth, and development needs to be fulfilled. Teachers that convey positive messages to students indicating success and proficiency provide motivation to students. Research indicates that “learners’ motivation is the primary factor influencing both test performance and success in school” (Perry et. al, as cited in Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p. 284). Effective praise is one tool teachers use to communicate competence. As learners strive for autonomy they reinforce their feelings of competency. For example, as students are allowed to choose their final project topic their sense of independence and ability is reinforced. Connectivity to the classroom, and respect within it, is
References: Eggen, P., & Kauchak, D. (2010). Educational psychology: windows on classrooms (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Good Reads. (n.d.) Larson, R. (2000). Towards a positive psychology of positive youth development. American Psychologist, 55, 170-183. Lubienski, S., Lubienski, C., & Crane, C. (2008). Achievement Differences and School Type: The Role of School Climate, Teacher Certification, and Instruction. American Journal of Education, 115(1), 97-138. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Mann, S. (2009, May 12). Why do 60% of students find lectures boring? The Guardian. Retrieved form Patrick, B. C., Hisley, J., Kempler, T., & College, G. (2000). `What 's Everybody So Excited About? The Effects of Teacher Enthusiasm on Student Intrinsic Motivation and Vitality. Journal of Experimental Education, 68(3), 217. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Watts, C. E., & Caldwell, L. L. (2008). Self-Determination and Free Time Activity Participation as Predictors of Initiative. Journal of Leisure Research, 40(1), 156-181. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.