Previous to the emergence of work motivation theories, employees were considered simply another input into the production of goods and services. However, upon the realization that employees are not motivated solely by money and the realization that firm survival is entirely dependant upon levels of employee motivation, managers began to think like psychologists. Because, motivated employees help organizations not only to survive AND thrive, but to be prosperous, they are absolutely required in our rapidly changing workplaces. To be entirely effective, managers need to be aware of what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. Of all the functions a manager or leader performs, ironically, motivating employees is arguably the most complex! This is due to the fact that what motivates individual employees changes constantly and may even differ from person to person. What motivates employees today, may not work tomorrow. Also, as employee needs become fulfilled, they are no longer useful as motivators. However, it IS so important to apply motivation theories to maintain employee…