Employee motivation is a topic widely researched noting numerous motivational theories and concepts. Similarly there has been much discussion on the many factors that influence an employee’s level of motivation. Those factors include monetary rewards, employee involvement, training & development, employee recognition programs, etc. This paper will discuss review motivational theories developed based on the concept of “needs” and other motivational philosophies, as well as discuss the correlation between the motivational theories and employee recognition.
Introduction The term “motivation”, which is defined using various terminologies, is often used to describe different types of behavior. Motivation is the “internal state or the condition that activates behavior and gives it direction; the desire or want that energizes and directs goal-oriented behavior, or the influence of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of behavior”. (Huitt, 2001) Motivation is specific to an individual’s make-up, their personal interests, wants and desires, or need to fulfill a goal. Several factors influence an employee’s level of motivation: pay, opportunity for advancement, growth and development, job security, honesty and integrity, working conditions, reward and recognition. Employee recognition is often praised at a “successful motivator”. To understand what factors influence motivation we need to understand the research and theories developed to define and explain motivation.
Motivational theories dating back to the early 1950’s “provide a foundation to today’s motivational concepts”. (Robbins, 2005) Abraham Maslow introduced the “hierarchy of needs” theory suggesting that needs are a physiological or psychological deficiency that a person feels the urge to satisfy. Maslow’s theory proposes that individuals are motivated by multiple needs and that these needs are present in a “hierarchical” order. Maslow’s theory was that an unsatisfied need
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