Experienced bikers know that motorcycle riding glasses are safety devices much like helmets. However, unlike helmets, which protect your head during an accident, riding glasses are supposed to prevent accidents as well as offer some eye protection during an accident. The eyes are vulnerable to a lot of things encountered on the road. They are far …show more content…
You also won't spot vehicles closing in on your periphery. How do you lose your visual acuity when riding? When your poor fitting prescription riding glasses drop off. The higher the prescription level, the worse the consequences. Motorcyclists have had accidents when their glasses or even contacts slipped off at the wrong moment. If you're rounding a corner and you don't see those wet leaves, you will quickly find yourself on the pavement.
Poor riding glasses design with super thick frames that block your peripheral vision can also have disastrous consequences. Finally, if your glasses allow your eyes to dry out from wind exposure, your vision can become blurred, which invites an accident.
As mentioned before, your riding glasses are much more than a pair of sunglasses. They are a safety device just like your helmet. Unlike a helmet, they're your first line of defense against injury from an accident because they prevent them in the first place. Ride safely by getting a quality pair of motorcycle riding glasses that have the options best suited for your kind of