Skull Mountain / Golgotha.
Entrance to the Tomb (Tomb where Jesus was buried).
3.2 The …show more content…
Ron returned to the surface and did not tell or speak to anyone about his findings, he felt that he need time to think and allow his mind to digest what had just happened. Ron made more trips to the chamber and eventually reported his finding to the authorities. The authorities asked Ron not to repeat or to tell anyone what he had discovered and where.
During the visits that Ron made to the chamber he was able to determine the following these are noted as per his notes. (Please see annexure A for pictures of these artefacts)
1: The size of the chamber was 22 feet long by 12 feet on the 2 sides
2: The Ark of the Covenant in the Stone Case
3: The table of Shewbread
4: The golden alter of incense that was in front of the veil
5: The golden censer
6: The 7 branched candlestick holder.
7: A very large sword
8: An ephod
9: A milter with ivory pomegranate on the tip
10: A brass shekel weight with numerous oil lamps.
11: A brass ring which could have been used to hang a curtain.
12: The table of stones are still within the Ark under the Mercy …show more content…
God then had to find a way to secure redemption for man so that we might not perish in the pits of hell but have eternal life with Him in Heaven. God created man to have fellowship with him and once Adman and Eve sinned this was not possible. Throughout the bible the Lord teaches us from the Old Testament and fore fill it’s in the New Testament. Just by looking at the two discoveries in this assignment the Ark of the Covenant and the blood of Jesus on the Mercy seat, we can already see the Lord for filling his greater