Mountain Brook Fitness Center SWOT Analysis
Mountain Brook Fitness Center SWOT Analysis The Mountain Brook Fitness Center is a business which provides service in health and fitness. The fitness center currently offer swimming, tennis, court sports, massage, physical therapy, childcare, and cardiovascular and weight training fitness center. It attracts mostly young people under the age of 45 and accredits the center success of the ability to provide childcare services to its members. The Mountain Brook Fitness Center is located in a city named, Monroe with a population of about 600,000 people. In, its business plan an increase in Monroe population of 15% has occurred over the past 3 years since this business plan was wrote. The Executive Summary of the business plan is to accommodate the influx of people by increasing the number of children able to attend the childcare facility. Currently the childcare can care for 25 children and 5 infants. The new facility will be able to care for 75 children and 25 infants. The plan for financial funding of the new childcare center will be to borrow the money. The objective of this company is to remain the only fitness center providing this type of service to consumers.
Mountain Brook Fitness Center SWOT Analysis This is an analysis identifying the noted strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats of the Mountain Brook Fitness Center business plan.
Financially, the business sales showed a steady increase over the last three years while spending approximately the same amount in operating expenses, leaving a larger margin between operating cost and profits. This business has a unique feature; this is a 24/7 hours business that offers childcare services any hour of the day. This will appeal to consumers that work nightshifts or only able to utilize a fitness center at night time hours. The young urban professional is named as the segment targeted group to sell memberships to the center. Targeting the young urban professional group is good