Wanda Jones
Webster University
The Mary Wells Senior Center is one of the rural Wellness Centers located at Nike Park and operated by the Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia (SSSVA), the Center for Aging agency. The Mary Wells Senior Center is most commonly referred to as the Nike Park Senior Center. The SSSVA agency operates 15 Wellness Centers, urban, rural, and adult day care, in the South Hampton Roads Region. Since 1968 and with several name changes, the private and not-for-profit SSSVA “supports and enriches the lives of seniors and their families through advocacy, education, information and comprehensive services”CITATION Sen13 \t \l 1033 (Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia, …show more content…
The building has the capacity to have many different activities and serve more seniors with the current staff. This allows multiple activities to take place at the same time, for example, seminars and workshops in one area, card games and puzzles in another and exercise in yet another. The Site Manager and the volunteers could effectively continue to serve if more seniors used the center without an increase in the cost of staffing. Seniors having a place to come and socialize and helps maintain independence is a strength of the center. One study noted that “compared to home care users who had not previously used senior centers, previous senior center users do have lower levels of IADL, and ADL impairment”CITATION Mil04 \p 21 \l 1033 (Miltiades, Grove, & Drenovsky, 2004, p. …show more content…
1-2). Along with the world, the ‘greying’ of the county will continue with the median age in the county at 48.3 in the 2010 Census” CITATION Cub13 \l 1033 (Cubit Planning, 2013). A continuous survey of seniors, attending and non-attending will provide for the opportunity for seniors at different age levels with different interest to attend and enjoy coming to the senior center.
The main threats to the senior center are loss of funds and continued decline in attendance and programs over the years. The economic has had an impact on the funding of the senior center from the SSSVA agency and the seniors were impacted by The Great Recession of 2008. Now the government has further threatened the funding operations of the SSSVA agency with the federal Sequestration. With limited funds and dwindling participation, the senior center will likely be opened two days a