
Healthy Sanich Advisory Committee Summary

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The main issue that are discuss in this Healthy Sannich Advisory Committees meeting are affordable housing strategy and older adult parks and recreation strategy. According to presentation given by Hale Harlen, the people who are living in the Sannich cannot afford to buy or rent the house. The data she gives in this presentation shows that although Sannich is doing a little better than other municipality; however, people are still facing issue with the payment to live in their houses in Sannich which cost over half of their salary. Hale Harlen also gives presentation how they can build more affordable housing by encouraging developer to consider affordable housing and what community needs. She also points out that Sannich does not really have the exact model or mandatory percentage on affordable housing. The committees are discussing about recommendation and advice to the council about the affordable housing …show more content…

They did a lot of base line survey that they did about their programs and provide their result to the committees meeting. They also mention about providing help to the older adult with their problem, concerns (60 or 70+), and events. They talk about how to get older adult to think that parks and recreations are not only a place to exercise but also a place to socializing or community space. They also thinking about how to spread the information for different generation such as paper and internet. They also mention how to consider the difficulty of older adult and meet their needs by translation, or more people to help them navigate about where they want to go such as reception when the building is big or more sign in park trail. This presentation is mainly about informative rather than pushing council to do something about

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