Immigrant seniors face unequal access to home care: report
How have these issues affected older adults?
Immigrant seniors are less likely to receive support from the government funded home care due to their language barrier. Minority senior groups are less likely to be serve. Usually those who do not get support can lead to negative health consequences and also the type of care they need are not being offer.
Short-term implication
The short term implication is that immigrant seniors would not get all the access to health care and support they need compare to other seniors in Canada. This can put their health at risk on the short term.
Long-term implication
If they only got support from the family members it can put financial …show more content…
Seniors with different ethnicity are limited from health care. Furthermore, immigrant senior’s sounds to be more family oriented and they got more support and help from their family members. Therefore, the type of care they need may be different from other seniors and that type of care are not offer. Thus, immigrant seniors may not reach out for help as much compare to other seniors in Canada.
What societal values are apparent?
Some section of health care facilities may have neglected that Canada is a diverse country with growing amount of immigrations coming in. They didn’t seem to have consider the seniors with language barrier are unwilling or may be afraid to reach out to health care due to the fact that they don’t speak English and the country that they came where health care services may be different from the ones being offer in Canada.
Key stakeholders and policy-makers that should be involved
The key stakeholders are immigrant seniors or seniors that has a language barrier in the community and also those who are health care providers. The policy makers that should be involved are the provincial government, health care authority to help make changes in the health care …show more content…
Elderly had more social engagement and moved around more with the younger kids. Also this has helped seniors to be more involved, active, and connected. Being socially engaged with children their health improve, they feel less isolated and involved themselves within the community. Also stated by the article it has help fight ageism by connecting different generation together.
Short-term implication
The seniors will create bond with the children. Children will also explore and get to know the seniors more so it is a win-win situation. They will learn to interact, have fun, and love each other company more as they are placed under the same community.
Long-term implication
With the increase amount of intergenerational activities it can bring children and seniors to a closer level and decrease ageism. This can bring the community closer and allow everyone to interact with each other rather treating each other as separate identity. For the seniors, it would improve their mental health, they would feel less lonely or isolated, increase their happiness, and physical activity as they learn to play games with the