cope with this illness. I believe the questions do ask all of the necessary questions to determine the client’s present concerns.
Are there too many or too few questions? Within the intake questionnaire for placement within the Adult Therapeutic Foster Care I believe there are a consistent amount of questions. The questions range from asking the client why they are being referred, some of their triggers, spirituality, and crisis management. The questions allow the foster parent get to know the client before they are admitted into the program. I would add more questions that pertain more to the client’s goals and discharge planning. After they receive the necessary treatment and increase their independent living skills where would they like to live. This can be a semi-independent living placement with wrap around services where staff come in a few times a day to help with medication or cleaning. Individuals could also discharge from the Adult Therapeutic Foster Care program and get their own apartment and live independently. Every individual has their own set of goals that they wish to accomplish, I believe it is important to ask them what their goals are during the intake.
Are the questions reading level appropriate for the client? I do believe the questions given during the intake are reading level appropriate for most clients.
Each client is different intellectually; staff are always available to read the questions out loud to the client. If a client does not understand the questions, staff are able to go into more detail and explain the meaning of each question. A lot of clients have asked what a certain question means and staff are able to explain the question in a different way that the client is able to understand. For example, when asking the client’s current pain level, a staff can state that a pain score resulting in a 1 can be a client is in the worst pain possible and a score that is a 10 can result in no present pain. A lot of clients also do well with seeing a visual picture or a drawing.
Are the intake forms available in the language appropriate for the population the agency serves?
The intake forms within the agency are currently only written in Spanish and English. However, if an individual speaks another language other than English and Spanish the agency provides a translator to be present during the intake process. The agency is very diverse and embracing cultural diversity. The agency makes it a point to accommodate for all individuals from all different cultures. The services available are strength-based and culturally sensitive with a focus on positive approaches and based on best practice models of care.
Is there enough space to write what is needed in each answer …show more content…
I believe there is enough space to write each response to the question within the space provided. The space below each question is about an inch or bigger. If a client or staff writes bigger than normal then additional paper can be provided for them to continue writing their responses. There is also room available on the back of the questionnaire for responses to be completed. I believe it would be important for each of the questions to be numbered; this will help if clients have additional information that they want to share on another document.
Should the intake be re-formatted so it is easier to read? I believe the intake questions could be formatted differently so that the questions flow together. I also believe that each question should be numbered making it easier for the individual who is reading the question. Intake includes questions that are useful and important. Asking a client if they are an AWOL risk can help the foster parent and the clinical team. If a client is AWOL risk then the foster parent is going to have to use extra precatious, also foster care may not be the most appropriate placement for the client. Staff are not awake 24 hours, if a client was to AWOL then that could place the client in danger. Also learning about a client’s triggers, likes and dislikes are also very important. This will allow the foster parent and client to build a positive relationship.
What would you include? What would you remove? If I were to recreate the document I would include more important on crisis management.
I think this is very important especially if a client is new to a facility. I think learning about different de-escalation techniques is helpful. Some individuals do well when staff talk to them when they are upset but then some individuals rather have alone time. I think it is critical to get to know the client and understand what techniques they like to use when they are frustrated or upset. I also think I would change the suicide risk assessment form. I would go into more detail to learn about the client’s history. For example, if they every attempted suicide or know someone that attempted or completed suicide. I also would add a section that discusses substance abuse history and family history. If the client has every used substance abuse or has a family history of substance
Would you change the order/re-organize? I think I would keep the questions the way that they are currently organized. At the end of the last question I would add a little more space so that if the client has additional information that wanted to share I could add their response. I think the questions included help to get to know the client and their past history of care. I would include the suicide risk assessment at the end of the questions because this could be difficult for clients to answer. I would keep it last so that I am able to provide support to the client immediately after.