Three stages of modeling
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There are stages in the interviewing processes; these stages are there to help not only the interviewer, but also the interviewee. These stages are here to help human service professionals to master these skills to help each client. The three stages in the model of interview would be exploration, insight/clarification and action.
Exploration is helping the client explorer their feeling, problems or issues. The elements in this stage; *Attending behavior these are the listening skills as well as out attending skills. This would include eye contact verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Giving all the attention to the client in this stage, we are here to here where the problems, issues or feelings are coming from. *Effective questioning asking open-ended and closed-ended questions. These questions will help the client to express themselves. Having the client express themselves opens them up to us as a professional. *Reflecting Content effective listen skills, by listening to emotions. Reflecting on what we are hearing both verbally and nonverbal. *Reflecting feelings accurately identifying emotions to in turn reflecting these emotions with the client. *Integrating your exploration skills reviewing all the above skills and putting all your explorations in one piece. The information the client has given is just like the start of a book, the human service professional is then to take action on what can we change to make this story better. This leads to the next stage clarification/insight. Clarification/insight helping the client to clarify their experiences and help develop goals, these elements would include;
*Confronting the discrepancies or inconsistencies in the clients behavior. Once these are identified bring to clients attention for a resolution. *Communicating feelings or immediacy sharing own personal reactions or observations, making sure
References: University of Phonenix. (2011). Essential Interviewing Chapter 1. Retrieved from University of Phonenix, BSHS385 website.