This story take place at poor Crenshaw Middle School in South Los Angeles.
2. Who are the main charaters?
a. Akeelah: b. Dr. Larabee c. Tanya d. Mr. Welch
3. Describe the charactes- Akeelah Enderson
a. Akeelah: Eleven year old girl: her father is dead, her mom ignores her, her brother runs with the local gangbangers. She's smart, but her environment threatens to strangle her aspirations. Responding to a threat by her school's principal, Akeelah participates in a spelling bee to avoid detention for her many absences.
Akeelah is a bright girl, especially when it comes to words, but finds life at poor Crenshaw Middle School boring and unchallenging, so she doesn't try. But her natural aptitude for words spurs the school administrators, led by Principal Welch, to convince her to try out for the process of the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
b. Dr. Larabee: English professor for the more prestigious regional bee. Teaches Akeelah not only the rote memorization of typical spelling bee words, but how to use English in all its glorious facets.
c. Tanya: Akeelah’s mother. She faced the death of her husband and work to support her children alone. She was mad at Akeelah’s because of her school absences and the participation in the Spelling Bee without her permission.
She feels intimidated when she finds the contests are dominated by children from wealthy families and privileged backgrounds, and argues that the competition may not be in Akeelah's best interest, believing instead that homework should be the one and only priority in Akeelah's life. It soon becomes apparent that if Akeelah has any intention of entering the national spelling bee championships in Washington, D.C., she will not do so with Tanya's permission or blessing.
d. Mr. Welch: School director. He took advantage of the absences of Akeelah to participate in spelling