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My opinion Movie The Queen is a drama film about British royal family. My first impressions were a little surprising in a good way because I had different expectations about it. The movie itself was very honest and close to the reality. I think that the filmmakers have done a great job showing people the life of the royals and ordinary people. Although it is a drama, I enjoyed that there was still some good old British humor. I would say that it is not only an excellent film, but it is also very educational
The royal family Helen Mirres, who is starring as Elizabeth II plays her part magnificently. She plays exactly like I think the queen would act. She was modest, honest, calm and regardful but still slightly sarcastic and high-spirited. Her family members’ manners, who were also nobles, were very appropriate to the royals’ behavior. Although they are just humans, they are not allowed to act like they want to and be themselves, they must follow the etiquette very strictly, which makes their lives very difficult. Tony Blair, his wife and family As a contrast to the blue bloods, another important role in the movie belongs to Tony Blair, the freshly elected prime minister, played by Michael Sheen. Opposed to the Queen’s old-fashioned political views, he represents new innovational worldview, which spices up the film a bit. He is intelligent, sharp, wise, hard-working. He loves his family, who supports him and is always behind him. Summary Although I’m not a cinema lover, I really enjoyed watching it, especially because I already knew some background information about the events that the movie describes. I would recommend this movie to people who love England and its