Mozart and the Whale is clearly about Asperger’s Syndrome, and the main characters and supporting characters all comment on how they have Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism. The main characters do a good job of displaying some of the mannerisms of Asperger’s Syndrome. Donald has difficulty engaging in, and maintaining, eye contact. When stressed, he displays repetitive motor mannerisms by holding his hand a particular way and flapping it until he calmed. Another aspect of Asperger’s Syndrome is hypersensitivity, and Isabelle is perturbed by clanging metal. She covers her ears and cowers until the noise stops. People with Asperger’s Syndrome are often very interested in a particular topic and become very knowledgeable about that topic. This aspect is displayed in this movie as Donald is very intelligent and his special interest is mathematics, and Isabella is an artist and a musician who is interested in Mozart.
Employment is addressed and the movie conveys the difficulty in getting and retaining employment for