While this form has a formula or approach to it. It is rather rigid and leaves itself to be very open. It uses a 3 part binary form that has an Exposition, Development and Recapitulation. Many composers have developed and expanded this style of music composition. Mozart being the subject of this paper is also one of the composer known for his strong and clear understanding of Sonata form in his music. This paper will examine one of his piano sonatas entitled, Piano Sonata K. 281 in Bb Major.
As stated above, Sonata form has 3 parts. The first of these parts is the exposition. This section has the primary material for the movement that is broken down into 4 sections of its own. The first subject, transition, second subject and codetta.
The first section of the exposition in the Mozart (which for the remainder of the paper the piece will be referred to “the Mozart”) is in Bb major. The first subject is split into 8 bar phrases. The first phrase acts more like an introduction to the second part of the first subject. The first two bars act like mini cadences. They go as follows: I – vii – I. This is followed by another two bars that also act like mini cadences, however, they don't set any sort of primary ideas. Their little motif ideas merely allow the composer an easier transition into repeating the first two bars. Naturally, Mozart does that by not only repeating the first two bars but also putting it down an octave. He finishes up this first phrase by bring in a new motivic idea and then setting up an rhythmic ostinato to help get into the second phrase of