Mr. Duvitch’s job is described as “a rather malodorous one” (3). When we are faced with unpleasant situations our first instinct is to complain and get our way out of it. But Mr. Duvitch had bigger priorities than his working conditions, he had his family to feed. …show more content…
Duvitch’s priority have always been to make a better life for his family. No matter how hard he has to work to make that possible. Whether it be fishing for hours to catch enough fish to feed his large family as described “Proudly, oh, so proudly, Mr. Duvitch exhibited the catch that would probably feed his family for the better part of a week: a fine mess of bass, perch and sunfish, all of them alive, as far as I could see, and swimming around in the oaken washtub in which they had been dropped” (6). Or having to work a bit harder because he has lost two weeks of pay “A few weeks after they moved to Syringa Street they suffered a tragedy they were all summer in recovering from— Mr. Duvitch lost two weeks’ pay while gathering mushrooms in Tamarack Swamp” (4). Mr. Duvitch is not only hardworking but kind as well. The first example that really struck me as to how kind Mr. Duvitch is. Was when it was discovered that Andy and his brother Tom had spoiled Mr. Duvitch’s fish. Mr. Duvitch’s initial reaction Andy described as “But there was no hostility, no animosity toward us in the man and it was obvious also that he considered himself too humble to receive an apology, finding it, like most of life’s